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  • Writer's pictureJohn Reid

Summer is in full swing: What's next for us?

Hey there, everyone!

We just got back from Tannen's 51st Magic Camp in Bryn Mawr, PA. It was one of the greatest weeks of my life! I loved getting to see the kiddos working on their passions... and it warmed my heart to see a bunch of them using Cresey products like throw streamers and mouth coils in their competition acts!

We had an epic time watching these young magicians grow... and the rest of our summer is going to have some really exciting things, too! In August, we're road tripping up to Colon, Michigan for Abbott's Magic Get Together! We've been looking forward to Abbott's for a LONG time and now the time is finally approaching. If you're going to be in the area, find us and say hi!

We hope your summer is going as amazing as ours. Happy Fourth of July!

(Speaking of the fourth... did you stock up on your red white and blue coils this year?)

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