Since we've updated our online presence, and quite frankly, I was nervous to make changes. After all, the old design served me well for almost a decade, but recently the coding on the back end was getting glitchy. We were missing orders and emails weren't getting through. We noticed issues in the inventory and it was just a matter of time before we needed to give it a complete overhaul. Well I'm happy to say that after several days of moving things around we have a very...VERY raw version of the new site. And what better way to test it out, than to have a few of my fellow magic friends give it a once over. If you have a moment, head over to now I only added around 30 items so far, but my plan is to add a few items every week until the entire catalog is up to date and start expanding slowly. In addition there will be a blog feature where I'll be able to properly archive news and post my future lecture tour/schedule. I'm really looking forward to hearing back from a few of you. Oh as a bonus.. for anyone who is looking to make a purchase,I am hiding a sizable discount code here..sort of a soft launch thank you. Enter the code NEWSITE For 40% off anything currently listed on the site until midnight July 8th, 2020. This offer is good while supplies last, can not be combined with any other offers. Sorry, no rainchecks and only shipped in the Continental US Stay safe out there and remember Spread magic... not germs!!!
